


The curriculum in 人类学 encompasses two overlapping and yet distinct “tracks”: (i) cultural and social anthropology and (ii) biological anthropology, 考古, 物质文化研究.

Cultural and social anthropology explores the social orders and meanings that human actors create. 尽管在过去, cultural and social anthropologists typically carried out research overseas, today cultural and social anthropologists also work in their own societies, and our course offerings reflect this global and inclusive approach. 除了, the curriculum in cultural and social anthropology reflects the discipline’s longstanding practice of joining together the study of how people understand their own experiences with cross-cultural comparison.

The curriculum in cultural and social anthropology examines a broad range of issues from a number of theoretical perspectives. Our courses examine societies of diverse cultural traditions and economic forms, 还有人的流动, 对象, 其中的思想. 我们研究种族和民族等主题, 医学, 科学, 性别, 性, 环境, 宗教, 法律, 流行文化, 和政治. And we pursue comparisons that look across both history and geography.

第二个课程轨迹——生物人类学, 考古, and material culture (BAM)—focuses on human physical and cultural evolution, 现代人类多样性, and the material cultures of historical and contemporary ethnic groups. The BAM track includes courses from Classics and Environmental Studies, as well as 人类学. 结合这些课程, students gain hands-on experience working with fossil hominid skeletal casts and artifacts from a wide variety of prehistoric and modern cultures in the collections of the Jean M. 推荐十大正规网赌网站考古实验室.

Both tracks in anthropology (cultural and social anthropology and BAM) are offered within the joint undergraduate program in 人类学 of Pitzer and Scripps Colleges.

比萨顾问: E. 曹国伟, S. 米勒, C. 施特劳斯


B.A., University of California; M.A., New School for Social Research; Ph.D.密歇根大学
专业化: China, cultural anthropology, ritual, 性别, history, 国家 discourse.

Professor of 人类学 and Distinguished Teaching Chair in Archaeology and Biological 人类学, 1969
B.A., Occidental College; M.A., Ph.D.他是加州大学伯克利分校的教授
专业化: African 考古; world prehistory; human evolution; African and Native American ethnography; cultural ecology; ethnic arts

A.B., Brown University; A.M., Ph.D.哈佛大学
专业化: U.S. political culture; psychological anthropology; language, culture and society


Lara Deeb (Scripps)



Students who complete the cultural-social track of the anthropology major should:

  1. 可以 to recognize and critically engage popular versions of anthropological theories in such non-academic forms as informal conversation and mass-mediated entertainment; and furthermore, when these popular versions of anthropological theories are versions of social evolutionism and/or racism, 或者是种族中心主义, be able to identify their fallacies and harmful consequences;
  2. 可以, 在阅读人类学的文章或书籍时, to recognize and critically discuss the work’s relationship to major paradigmatic traditions in disciplinary anthropology (e.g.功能主义、结构主义和符号学理论);
  3. Question the universality of meanings and practices; be able to identify contingent social orders through comparisons across time and geography and be able to distinguish human phenomena that are, 在不同程度上, 不变的,从那些不是;
  4. 可以 to relativize—or doubt the absoluteness of—taken-for-granted concepts in their own lives (notably “性别,”“种族,” and “ethnic” identifications) and taken-for-granted institutions and domains in their own social world (such as “the family” and “the economy”).
  5. 可以 to analyze the interconnections among economics, 政治, 亲属关系与家庭, 心灵, and expressive and artistic forms—domains conventionally differentiated and separated by the social 科学s.
  6. 可以 to identify (in particular circumstances) how cultural categories contribute to and reproduce relations of power and inequality.
  7. 可以 to plan and conduct ethnographic field research projects at an undergraduate level.

Goals of the Human Evolution, Prehistory, and Material Culture Studies Track (HEPtrack)

The educational goals for majors in the HEP track include:

  1. An understanding of the human evolutionary past, in terms of both biological and cultural factors;
  2. An awareness of the biological facts of contemporary human physical diversity and the socio-political implications attached to the concept of “race” as a means to label differences through 500 years of history, 特别是在现在的美国.S.;
  3. 承认文化体系的多样性, and the roles played by material culture in the negotiation of cultures and the agency practiced by their social enactors;
  4. 分析问题的能力, 假设:提出并检验假设, 寻找证据,理性地解释数据, and to recognize one’s own bias as well as the biases of others;
  5. 进行原创性研究的能力.


All students who complete the anthropology major should:

  1. Comprehend and critically analyze scholarly works; demonstrate a capacity to distinguish the author’s point of view from the views the author criticizes, 响应, 并以此为基础;
  2. Write cogent, clear research papers and short anthropological essays.